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Maintenance Management

  slideshow image

No need to call or email maintenance department to explain a problem or report an outage.



SY-CON EM Service Requests
Optional SY-CON EM Add-On

Enable employees to send requests for repairs or service directly to the maintenance department's SY-CON EM software including indicating if the equipment is down.  It doesn't matter if it's a SY-CON EM known equipment number or any facility asset like lighting or door locks, the EM Service Request software provides the means to describe it and the problem including if you believe it is a safety concern.

  • Access Security with individual profiles

  • Keeps employee submitting the request and supervisors aware of the progress of each service request with additional information supplied by maintenance like the work order number and expected start date.

  • Department supervisors can view all service requests by charge center, department, or employee name. 

  • Automatically fills employee data into the service request based on their profile.

  • Unlimited problem description area to better explain the conditions to maintenance.

  • The maintenance department controls the evolution to an active work order

SY-CON EM Service Request software can be accessed on individual PCs or as a site license for any/all PCs throughout the facility.













    EM Service Request
     Request repairs from anywhere
     in facility

     EM Live WO Update
Work Order details visible
     anywhere by maintenance



     Barcode Label Printing Software

     Barcode Scanners

      View-only access to tools,
           kits, & parts.
           Request ready or deliver.

     SY-CON EM
           Preventitive and repair
           work order management


PC-TOOLCRIB Lite >EM Service Request